

Streamlining Authentication: Actionable Notifications on Mobile

Jonathan Nogueira
November 28th, 2023

Note: Kolide Mobile is only available for organizations using our Device Trust for Okta solution

We’re excited to announce a major update to the Kolide Mobile user experience! Our latest version (2.0.2) introduces actionable notifications. In the past, users attempting to authenticate into an app protected by Kolide Device Trust via their mobile device, needed to leave Safari and launch the Kolide app to complete the verification process. While this approach worked, it was clunky and slow, and most importantly it potentially derailed a user from completing the task they were working on.

Actionable notifications make it easier than ever to verify your device during authentication. With this update users can now authenticate themselves faster eliminating the need to switch apps to complete the verification process. This is available on both the Android and iOS version of Kolide’s Mobile app.

What are actionable notifications?

​ Actionable notifications are a standard UI convention supported by both Android and iOS-based mobile devices which let the user respond to a delivered notification without launching the corresponding app. These notifications are commonly used in circumstances where a single action is required but does not necessitate launching the parent application, for example: accepting or declining a calendar meeting invitation.

Verifying your device with actionable notifications

A glimpse of our new iOS notifications. Users see this when signing into any Okta protected app from a mobile device.

A glimpse of our new Android notifications. Users see this when signing into any Okta protected app from a mobile device.

The Kolide Mobile will now present users with an actionable notification prompting to start the device verification process. Simply tap the notification action labeled “Verify” without switching apps. After tapping the notification, the Kolide mobile app will send a verification event to the Kolide device trust service, completing the authentication process.

The future of Kolide Mobile

​ This change is just one more step in the process of providing a painless and secure approach to Device Trust for mobile devices. Stay tuned as we continue to roll out exciting new developments that increase the device posture telemetry capabilities of our mobile platform.

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